Friday, November 13, 2009

Slumber Parties by Kristi- Pheromones

Most everyone has heard of pheromones but what are they? Are they real? Can you smell them? What do they do?

Pheromones are naturally occurring chemicals that send out signals to the opposite sex or the same sex that dramatically increases both desirability and sexual attractiveness in both men and women. They are odorless, airborne chemical signals that are released by an individual in the environment and are detected through the Vemeronasal Organ, VNO, in the nose. The VNO is a group of cells that are similar in appearance to nerve cells and are responsible for detecting human pheromones. The human pheromones then transmit a message of sexual attraction and appeal to the brain. You can’t smell them. You don’t even know you are receiving them or emitting them. Maybe this is what causes “Love at first sight!”

Pheromones are very powerful. Researchers have found that female ovulation can be regulated through the use of pheromones. Ever wonder why your period regulates itself with other women? It’s your body reacting to the pheromones that are being emitted! Researchers conducted an informal experiment using identical twins. Both twins sat at a bar for an evening, and one of them was sprayed with synthetic pheromones. The twin who got the pheromone boost was approached THREE TIMES more often than the twin who didn’t!

The urge to have sex is a strong natural instinct and pheromones are what drives those sexual instincts. Some experts believe that pheromones drive our social interaction as well. Pheromones help people feel comfortable around you and want to be in your presence. It gives you that warm fuzzy feeling. It’s possible that pheromones are effective in decreasing symptoms of anxiety, premenstrual syndrome in women and prostate enlargement in men.

Slumber Parties by Kristi offers different products that contain synthetic pheromones: Between The Sheets is a spray talc that comes in Spring Rain, my favorite, and Pear Blossom scents. Spray it on your sheets and it will make them feel soft and silky. Might help you get a little romance, might help you sleep better, but it does make your sheets very soft and fresh. Use it on your body as a light powder. Spray it in your shoes to deodorize them. It’s like Sexual Febreeze!

Slumber Bubbles is made with California Champagne and has vitamin E and B as well as pheromones. It is lightly scented and is safe for hot tub and whirlpool tub jets. It is an excellent body wash as well as wonderful for a relaxing bubble bath.

My favorite product for all you diva’s out there is Diva Dust. It is a lickable, mildly scented and flavored powder that glitters and shines! Use a brush to control the amount you put on and it can be very subtle or WOW! Great for drawing attention to your décolleté!

And finally, Basic Instinct. #1 seller containing pheromones. It comes in a small roll on bottle so you can put it in your purse or clutch and take it with you everywhere! Basic Instinct is unique because it reacts with your body chemistry and hormone levels. It will change scent from day to day and hour to hour. Lasts about four hours on the body but it is oh so wonderful! Wear it to get better tips, for a job interview, or even to attract the opposite sex! Men can use it too!


Pheromones are fun to use and wear. Give it a try and maybe you will meet that special someone! For more information about Slumber Parties by Kristi please visit our website or become a fan on Facebook.

Thanks for reading!


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